9 Wins for 9 Years

With over 100,000 employee records processed, billions of payrolls handled, and…

HR professional presenting HR plans to HR director

The Digital Shift: Going All In With Automated Payroll Management

It wasn’t long ago when employers were timid about going digital. Especially in…

How Investing in an HRMS Helps with Mental Health in the Workplace

How Investing in an HRMS Helps with Mental Health in the Workplace

Gone are the days when planning to pay for HR software brought apprehension to…

What To Do Next Once Your Mental Health Program Is in Place

We’ve discussed before why there’s a growth in demand for actions to address…

Celebrating the Human in HR

Every 26th of September, some companies go out of their way to pay tribute to…

The Significance of Using Local HRMS

When it comes to managing your workforce effectively, the Human Resource…

Navigating Work Benefits with Technology’s Help

Employee benefits are important for attracting and retaining talent, fostering…